Saturday 6 June 2009

Stow P.O.

A quaint slide wallpaper, to compensate for the sh*tty weather.

The Post Office, at Stow-On-The-Wold.  From this timeless shot, it's not obvious why the columnist and restaurant reviewer A A Gill in his book The Angry Island called Stow "catastrophically ghastly" and "the worst place in the world".  Hmmm


cotsweb said...

Nice pic. Do you know when it was taken? It must be a few years ago.
I think this is the corner of Church St and Sheep St. The PO has moved up Sheep St a little, there is currently a flower shop in this location.

Tepid Halibut said...

'fraid not. The slide had no other info with it, but a few other from the same box suggests early 80's.
Thanks for the info anyway.